Montenegro is a unique and beautiful country with comfortable living conditions. However, until recently, the infrastructure of telecommunications services outside the cities was not very well developed. After the release of WiMAX network by WiMAX Montenegro DOO everything has changed. It is not necessary to make a choice between beauty and comfort of living outside the city, on the coast or in the mountains and the availability of modern communications. Company WiMAX Montenegro has developed the most advanced wireless
Internet access network in Montenegro, covering the suburbs of Podgorica, old capital-city of Cetinje, and some coastal cities. The second phase will enable continuous coverage along the coast, providing full access in big cities with suburbs in Podgorica and Niksic.
By connecting to the Mobile WiMAX network, you are getting not only great speed and reliability, but also the mobility of fourth-generation network. Your modem will work in any city where network is developed, and number of such cities is increasing.
The mission of our company is: to provide the best Internet at the best price anywhere in Montenegro, to anyone who wants.
Company WiMAX Montenegro d.o.o. is a licensed provider of wireless Internet access on the territory of Montenegro. By decision No. 0505-1562/2 Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, was given approval to Company WiMAX Montenegro DOO for using of radio-frequency channel width of 50 MHz in the range 3550-3600 MHz, on which network of standard 802.16.e was developed.

Companies in tourism sector will be particularly interested in our proposal regarding development of Wi-Fi network for tourists. You can quickly expand free Wi-Fi network for your clients by using our equipment, or become a partner in providing payment services to tourists and other visitors of your institution.

We can organize internet connection of high quality in the suburbs and in the coast on objects of all kinds, from small private houses, multistory buildings and business centers.

In towns where our network is already working, we are ready to cooperate with stores selling electronics, computers and mobile phones. Together with our advertising support, you get stable flow of new buyers and at the same time increase loyalty of existing ones.

If you have worked with companies in field of communications and television in Montenegro, have good subscriber’s base in your place of residence, we are suggesting you to work on attracting and connecting new subscribers to the WiMAX 4G network. All our agents will be given printed promotional materials, advertising support in the country, as well as in region, telephone support from the installation moment. Your contacts will be published on the internet-website, printed and advertising flyers and you will have stable customers flow.

Vimax Montenegro informs its users about the changes to the Price list that comes into force 01/01/2018. years.
Prices are changing due to a change in VAT from 19% to 21%.