
Vimax Montenegro informs its users about the changes to the Price list that comes into force 01/01/2018. years.
Prices are changing due to a change in VAT from 19% to 21%.
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Changes in tariffs.

Dear users,
We want to inform you about changes in tariffs
Due to the technical impossibility, tariff 20/3 mbps there is no longer exists.
There remains a 20/5 mbps tariff with a reduced price of 39e, and the recommended tariffs is
10/2 mbps and 15/2 mbps
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Obavještenje o izmjenama u funkcionisanju kompanije

Changes with service: "Rental equipment":
From April 1, 2017 years more will not work option for renting equipment.Remains only option for purchasing equipment.
All existing customers who have already switched to the new generation of equipment, continue under the old conditions to use our services.
The deadline for payment account:
If debts on accounts are not settled on the date stated on the invoice as the payment period, the user will be disconnected from the network 3.5GHz or 5GHz.
Re-engaging approach to network 5 or 3.5GHz, will be charged 10.00 euros with VAT.
If your debts...
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Integration new billing system .

Due with the implementation of the new accounting system (billing) 01.07.2016, the calculation period for all prepaid users will be from the first day of the month until the first day of the following month.
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from the 1 January of 2017
Speed change for all tariffs from the 1 January of 2016

Dear subscribers of WIMAX Montenegro! We are glad to inform you that starting from the new year speed for all tarrifs will be increased for WIMAX and 5G network.
New speeds for WIMAX
New price
2 Мbps
3 Мbps
19 euro/month
4 Мbps
6 Мbps
26 euro/month
6 Мbps
6 Мbps
26 euro/month
New speeds for 5G Cambium
Новая цена
2 Mbps
5 Mbps
15 euro/month
5 Mbps
10 Mbps
20 euro/month
10 Mbps
15 Mbps
30 euro/month
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Veće brzine, niže cijene, bolja pokrivenost

Kompanija WIMAX Montenegro neprestano radi na razvoju internet mreže u Crnoj Gori. Prije početka turističke sezone pripremili smo dvije novosti koje su interesantne i za nove i za postojeće korisnike.
1. Od aprila mjeseca snižena je cijena opreme za korisnike koji će koristiti mrežu WIMAX 802.16e licenciranog opsega 3,5 Ghz. Sada spoljašnje antene koštaju 99 ili 119 eura. Izbor odgovarajuće opreme zavisi od rastojanja korisnika do najbliže bazne stanice, vrstu opreme odrediće montažer na mjestu instalacije.
2. Sa radošću Vas informišemo o puštanju u rad mreže opreme nove generacije Cambi...
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Working time in winter holidays

Christmas holidays from 01.01 to 11.01.2015, working days will be 5 and 9 of January. The necessary information can be obtained on the following phone numbers:
User service: 069-185-266
Technical support: 069-220-918
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Tariffs changing from the 1 January of 2015
Dear WiMAX Montenegro users,
We are constantly expanding our network to meet the growing needs of our users. A large part of the work we do, as it is constant expanding of capacity, increasing of the coverage area, improving of the reliability of our network, is usually hidden from your eyes. At the same time, we are glad that today we can share the results of our achievements and can give you a New Year's gift. From the01 January 2015 we will increase the speeds of tariffs from 3 Mbps and higher for postpaid users! The speed changing will be done automatically.
Great news is that you c...
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